.Net XML Web Service Interview Questions
Latest answer: Webservices are designed to support systems
interoperability. They interact through standard xml based messages using SOAP.
They are sets of codes hosted on a hosting machine which are then accessed by
other machines on a network to perform some task..............
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Latest answer: UDDI, Universal description, discovery and
It is the directory that is used to publish and discover public web
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are the steps to get a proxy object of a web service at the client side?
Latest answer: Following are the steps to get a proxy object of
a web service at the client side..............
By Nishant Kumar
Describe the Components that
help locate and consume XML Web Service. | Describe
the process of communication between Client and Web Service.
| What
are the components published while deploying of Web Service? |
Describe .disco file. | Describe
the step to be followed to access web service by client.
Describe the Components that help locate and consume XML Web Service.
This is the place to store published information about the Web Services. The
UDDI specifications define guidelines for publishing information about the Web
Services. Microsoft provides directory service which is located at
Using Discovery process, the client can know the location of Web
Service. Client can locate documents that describe Web Service using WSDL.
This component allows client know what operations to perform on an XML Web
Wire Formats
XML Web Service uses Wire Formats protocol to enable heterogeneous
applications to interoperate. This protocol can be understood by any system who
knows standard protocol like HTTP and SOAP.
Describe the process of communication between
Client and Web Service.
To communicate with Web Service, Client application creates an object of Web
Service Proxy Class. The proxy object provides access to all methods and
properties of Web Service to client. The client calls a method on the proxy
object. The Web Service infrastructure serializes the method call and arguments
into the SOAP message and sends to web service. The web service executes the
method and returns the value which gets serialized and send over network. The
message then received by client infrastucture, deserializes it and sends to the
proxy object. The proxy object returns the value to the client application.
What are the components published
while deploying of Web Service?
Web Application Directory
<WebService>.asmx file
<WebService>.disco file
Web.Config file
\Bin directory
Describe .disco file.
It is discovery document that contains links of
resourses that describes web service and its location. It is written
in WSDL and describes the capability of web service.
Describe the step to be followed to access web
service by client.
Add a web reference to the web service in the client application,
Generate a proxy class,
Create an object of the proxy class,
Access the Web service by using a proxy object.
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Object Serialization in .NET
Explain about Serialization in .NET. Explain binary serialization and XML
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formatter. Explain why Serialization. Explain the components that comprise the
binary serialization architecture................
web services interview questions
Explain each web service technologies - SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, eBXML and JAX pack.
Explain the technologies included within JAX pack, i.e. JAXP, JAXB, JAXM,
JAX-RPC, JAXR...............
interview questions
What is SOAP? What is SOAP? Explain its purpose. Give examples where SOAP is
used. What are Transport methods in SOAP? Explain the role of XML in
Net web
What is .Net Web Service? What is SOAP? What is WSDL? What is UDDI? Why do we
need Web Services? Explain in brief different distributed technologies. Web
services vs. CORBA and DCOM. Advantages of Web Services.................
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handling. | Define Error Events. Define Custom Error Pages. | Why is exception
handling important to an application? | When can you use tracing with exception
What is Master Page in ASP.NET? | Advantages of using Master
Page in ASP.NET | Define Multiple Master Page. | How do you create Master Page?
Define state management in ASP.NET. | Define Client-side
state management and Server-side state management.
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