Your proficiency as C programmer is judged by your performance in the online
quiz. Reading books after books on C alone can not help you crack an interview.
Practice with this set of 42 tricky questions on C to ensure that you choose
the correct answer from very closely related options within the stipulated
time. Whether you are an experienced C professional or a fresher trying to make
an entry into the corporate work, you will find this test extremely helpful.
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Test > C Test
Here are few sample C test/quiz questions
From which of the following libraries below, calloc() belongs to?
both a and b above
What is the main difference between calloc() and malloc()?
calloc() takes a single argument while malloc() needs two arguments
malloc() takes a single argument while calloc() needs two arguments
malloc() initializes the allocated memory to ZERO
calloc() initializes the allocated memory to NULL
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Latest answer: When a class declares another
class as its friend, it is giving complete access to all its data and methods
including private and protected data and methods to the friend class member
Latest answer: Default constructor is the
constructor with no arguments or all the arguments has default
Latest answer: The process of hiding
unnecessary data and exposing essential features is called abstraction.
Abstraction is separating the logical properties from implementation