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C#.NET interview notes part 1

A journey to C#.NET interview notes with Nishant Kumar, founder of

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  • C#.NET is a major component of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET suite.  
  • Being part of suite, C#.NET can access a common .NET library and supports all CLS features.
  • C#.NET is a complete object oriented language which supports inheritance, overloading, interfaces, shared members and constructors. 
  • .Net Framework is a primary element for software development in VS.Net suite.
  • .Net Framework includes loads of code required for application development.
  • CLS offers many service required for execution of application developed in .Net platform
  • Base class library has many pre-developed classes that can be used by the developer.
  • Base class library is organized into namespaces.
  • Assembly is a primary unit of the .Net application.
  • Assembly contains manifest which describes the assembly and its modules.
  • Modules contain source code for the application.
  • An assembly may exist in the form of either DLL or .Exe.
  • An assembly is stored as an intermediate language (IL) file. Before running, the assembly goes through security check against the local system. After having cleared from security check, it gets loaded into memory and compiled into native code by JIT compiler.
  • A variable in .Net can be of two types.
  • Value type and reference type.
  • Value type contains data of the type whereas reference type contains pointer to an instance of an object of that type.
  • Value type is created at the time of declaration whereas reference type must be instantiated after declaration to create object.
  • If we assign a reference type variable to another reference type variable, only reference to the object is copied, not value and both the variable will refer to the same object.

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Explain the use of abstraction with an example using C#.NET.

Abstraction is used to create a common set of methods that might have different specific implementations by subclasses. Abstract class cannot be instantiated and consists of abstract methods without any implementations.................

Describe how a .Net application is compiled and executed.

From the source code, the compiler generates Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) which is further used for the creation of an EXE or DLL. The CLR processes these at runtime. Thus, compiling is the process of generating this MSIL...........

Explain how Obfuscator works in NET

Obfuscator simply renames all types and namespace etc to meaningless code making it non human readable. This diminishes the possibility of reverse engineering...........

Advantages of CLR procedure over T-SQL procedure

The use of the CLR procedure makes it possible to do the complex database operations without having an in-depth knowledge of T-SQL...........


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