Floppy disk interview questions and answers


Floppy disk interview questions and answers

1. State the differences between a disk and a tape?
2. Define all the computer storage terms?
3. How many bytes of information can a 1.44-megabyte diskette contain?
4. What were the different types of a floppy disks?
5. At what voltage does the floppy disk function?
6. How is a floppy disk different from a compact disc?
7. Define the importance of external storage?
8. State the transfer rates of floppy disk drives?
9. What is a stiffy disk?
10. Describe how floppy disks work?
11. How much data a double spaced floppy-disk hold?
12. What are the advantages of floppy-disks?
13. What are the disadvantages of floppy-disks?
14. How can a floppy-disk be protected?
15. What are boot disks?
16. Define the steps of creating a boot floppy disk?
17. How many bits does each entry in FAT in reference to floppy disks use?
18. Define tracks, how many does a floppy disk contain?
19. How to detect if a computer supports a floppy disk?
20. State the differences between floppy disk and zip disk?
21. What are the differences between a floppy disk and hard disks?
22. Which DMA channel does the floppy drives use?
23. Explain the components that make a floppy disk?
24. A floppy disk can be accessed at what speeds?
25. Explain the Read/Write assembly of a floppy drive?
26. What is the error code 41 in reference to floppies?
27. Why floppy-disks are not used to store permanent data?
28. What are flash memories? Is a floppy-disk one?
29. Define a disk-controller?
30. What is the difference between format and delete in reference to a floppy disk?
31. What is mass-storage management?
32. What is sequential access?
33. Why have floppy-disks gradually become obsolete?
34. Why is it advised to store floppy disks away from magnetic sources?
35. How can the connector cable of a floppy-drive be differentiated from other cables?
36. How many pins does the floppy-drive connector contain?
37. What is the significance of the molex connector in reference to floppy-disks?
38. What is the IDE interface?
39. Define the purpose of CRC?
40. What are hard-sectored and soft-sectored disks?
41. What are DD,HD and ED in reference to floppy disks?
42. What is an FDC?
43. What are the functions of an FDC?
44. What are the input/output ports of an FDC?
45. What is the function of the MSR?
46. What is a 3mode floppy drive?
47. Define the use of the digital control port?
48. What are hardware floppy disk emulators?
49. What is the purpose of a spindle motor in a floppy-drive?
50. How are floppy disk densities measured?

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