1. Which country consists of the inhabited place with the least amount of
rainfall overall?
2. What is the difference between mixed forest and temperate deciduous forest?
3. What are the different decomposers present in temperature deciduous forest?
4. What do you understand by urbanization?
5. Why are all the places along the equator warm?
6. What is the use of floodplain?
7. What does the green resort term means? How do they help in reducing the
8. What is the use of compass? How does it help one to find the directions?
9. Does the population density differ according to the area defined?
10. What is the formula through which population density can be calculated?
11. What is the difference between rural and urban community?
12. Which is the most abundant species in Northern Hemisphere?
13. Why are bogs less extensive in Southern Hemisphere?
14. What is the lowest part on earth that you can visit?
15. Where do you think is the land above or below the equator?
16. What are the different types of vegetation that are present in the world?
17. What are the different types of boundaries that exist?
18. How does political boundary differ from natural boundary? Explain with an
19. What are the various mapping projection method used? Give some examples?
20. What is the process involved in making the ocean salty?
21. What are the parts around the world that remain dark all day long?
22. What are the characteristics that are involved in defining a country?
23. What is the function of prime meridian?
24. Explain what do you understand from latitudes and longitudes system?
25. What does grid system used for?
26. Why cultural health is important?
27. What is the angle of declination that is required for optimization?
28. What does geography tells you?
29. Which is the earth's driest desert present now?
30. What is the difference between sea, ocean and river?
31. Why did ice-melt at the end of ice-age?
32. What is the use of underground cities?
33. Explain about Amazon rain forest?
34. What does geographical coordinates represent?
35. What are the types of geography that are there in the present world?
36. What do you understand by zero longitude?
37. What is the use of imaginary lines that run through South America?
38. Explain the process of formation of Fold Mountains?
39. How many different types of forest exist?
40. What is the difference between Xeric and Dry upland forests?
41. Why is there a need to plant more trees?
42. What is the need of forests in the world? How does it help in reduction of
43. Why do the days get shortened? In which season does this type of shortening
44. How does building more houses, cutting more trees and destroying forests
affect the planet?
45. What do you understand by average time zone? Why is it so important?
46. What are the similarities between Polar Regions and deserts?
47. What are the different types of crops that are present and grown in many
parts around the world?
48. What is the difference between forestation and de-forestation?
49. What are the prevention methods that can be offered with de-forestations?
50. How does the cold and warm current differ from each other?
51. What are the different types of symbols used in geography?
52. What is the purpose of using conventional symbols?