1. What are the various hardware design techniques?
2. What are passive components/
3. What are the various board design issues?
4. What are analog power supply systems?
5. What do you understand by overvoltage protection?
6. What is thermal management?
7. What is a breadboard?
8. What is the purpose of prototyping?
9. Explain the term dielectric absorption?
10. What do you understand by capacitor parasitic
11. What is the dissipation factor? How is it calculated?
12. Explain tolerance?
13. What is a potentiometer used for?
14. What are the various hardware design tools available?
15. What is a HDL?
16. How can a two input NAND gate be converted into an inverter?
17. Define set up time & hold time constraints?
18. Draw a circuit to divide the clock frequency by half.
19. Design a divide-by-3 sequential circuit with 50% duty circle.
20. What are adder circuits explain?
21. Give the truth table of a half-adder?
22. What are transmission gates?
23. What do you understand by DFT?
24. What are fault models?
25. Explain scan technologies
26. Explain BST?
27. What are the differences between BST and BIST?
28. State the differences between LFSR and MISR?
29. What is IDDQ?
30. What do you understand by the term recovery design?
31. What are data flow diagrams?
32. What are compilers?
33. Explain the functioning of compilers.
34. What are microcontrollers?
35. Explain the functioning of microcontrollers.
36. What is assembly language?
37. What do you understand by interrupt latency?
38. Explain RTOS.
39. How does a binary counter works?
40. What are the numbers of bit combinations in a byte?
41. What is equivalence checking?
42. What is the Moores law?
43. What is the difference between simulation and emulation?
44. What is the use of RTL?
45. State the differences between VHDL and Verilog?
46. What do you understand by synthesis?
47. Explain the bottom-up design process.
48. What are synchronous circuits?
49. How can distorted signals be identified with the use of SNR?
50. What are the various practices for improving SNR?