Relation between class and object

Can you explain the relation between class and object? Explain with an example

A class defines the properties and behavior for the objects represented by the abstraction. Abstraction is a property of object oriented programming. It denotes the essential properties and behaviors of an object. It hides code and data. A class thus denotes a category of objects and act as a blueprint for creating such objects. An object exhibits the property and behaviors defined by its class. Generally, an object is an instance of a class.

For example:
// program for adding two numbers

class sum //declaration of a class


   int a=10; //declaration of variables

   int b=20;

   int c;

   public void add()// defining a function



      System.out.println("The sum is="+c);


   public static void main(String args[])// main function


       sum s= new sum();// making a object of class sum


       //accessing the function with the help of object


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