Difference between throw and throws clause

What is the difference between throw and throws clause, explain programmatically

A program can throw an exception, using throw statement. When an exception is thrown, normal execution is suspended. The runtime system proceeds to find a catch block that can handle the exception. The exceptions are caught under the Exception class. This class is used for giving user defined exception. To use this class throw keyword is used.

//Program using throw keyword

class check_age extends Exception// inheriting the exception class


   public String toString()


       return "Age cannot be less than 18";


   static void age(int a)


       try// to handle exception try and catch block is given




               check_age obj= new check_age();

               throw obj;// throwing exception using class object





       catch(Exception e)// catch block to give error message





   public static void main(String args[])




However if the user wants to handle the Exception at some point like in other class then the Java provides with the throws statement.

class check_age extends Exception// inheriting the exception class


   public String toString()


       return "Age cannot be less than 18";



class a


   static void age(int a)throws Exception




           check_age obj= new check_age();

           throw obj;





   public static void main(String args[])




           a obj1=new a();



       catch(Exception e)





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