What is consolidation in GL?
What is recurring invoices?
Can you explain the method to disable budgetary control for a set of books.
What is Multi-org and MRC?
Differentiate between gl_date and gl_posted.
Explain the method for importing data to general ledger using the feeder
Differentiate between GL date and GL posted date.
How can I post a budget journal to a closed period?
Reasons for the budget amounts not appearing on FSGs.
Describe a funding budget.
How can you change an account range?
What is ADI? What are the various features of ADI?
Explain the method to remove a budget.
What is EDI and explain the functions of EDI.
What is FSH? Explain its function.
Difference between GL posted date and GL Date in GL.
What are rollup groups?
Explain the various cycles used in AR, AP and GL.
Explain the method to enter a journal in GL.
Difference between security rules and cross validation.