20 Oracle RAC interview questions and answers


Oracle RAC (Real Application Cluster) interview questions

1. Purpose of Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
2. What are the provisions and resources provided in the Oracle’s cloud server?
3. What is the function of Cache fusion in Oracle RAC?
4. What are the key components of Oracle’s Maximum Availability Architecture?
5. Oracle Real Application Clusters Architecture - Oracle RAC
6. How is clustered database important in Oracle RAC architecture? - Oracle RAC
7. What is the functionality and features provided by Oracle Clusterware? - Oracle RAC
8. Hardware Architecture used in Oracle RAC
9. What is required by Oracle RAC database to connect to a network?
10. What are the conditions kept in mind while connecting the Oracle RAC with the network?
11. What are the file systems and volume management techniques used in Oracle RAC?
12. Oracle Grid Infrastructure - Oracle RAC
13. What is the function of having Virtual Internet Protocol Address (VIP) in Oracle RAC?
14. What is the function of Grid Naming service used in Oracle RAC
15. What is the purpose of SCAN?
16. Why is Cluster Verification Utility so important in Oracle RAC?
17. What are the benefits of Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)?
18. What are the components required to manage Oracle Real Application Clusters Database?
19. What are the tools provided in Oracle Enterprise Manager? - Oracle RAC
20. What is the Load Balancing Advisory? - Oracle RAC

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