What is recruitment and pre recruitment cycle?
Replies (0), Started: 03-30-2013, Last Reply: 03-30-2013 - No Replies
What do you understand by recruitment strategy?
Replies (0), Started: 03-30-2013, Last Reply: 03-30-2013 - No Replies
What is yield ratio and what according to you will be yield ration for a BPO industry?
Replies (0), Started: 03-30-2013, Last Reply: 03-30-2013 - No Replies
Can you design a referral scheme for a telesales setup of an Insurance industry?
Replies (0), Started: 03-30-2013, Last Reply: 03-30-2013 - No Replies
What is an application blank and what should be its content? Explain selection and steps involved.
Replies (0), Started: 03-30-2013, Last Reply: 03-30-2013 - No Replies
What is time lapse data? What are characteristics which an interviewer needs to observe or test in a applicant?
Replies (0), Started: 03-30-2013, Last Reply: 03-30-2013 - No Replies
What are the alternatives to recruitment?
Replies (0), Started: 03-30-2013, Last Reply: 03-30-2013 - No Replies