Inline functions are invoked at the time of

- Run time
- Compile time
- Depends on how it is invoked
- Both b and c above

CORRECT ANSWER : Compile time

Discussion Board
C++ - Inline Function

Inline function is a powerful concept in C++ programming language. It increases the execution time of a program. Inline function is a request to the compiler and an optimization technique used by the compiler. So, the answer is right, Inline functions are invoked at Compile time. Inline function is a combination of macro and function.

Prajakta Pandit 01-2-2017 11:17 PM



Aravindkumar 10-30-2015 11:39 AM

Inline functions

Inline functions are like macros in c language. The functions are expanded in the line where it is invoked at the time of compilation.

Inline functions 04-8-2015 12:19 AM

This is ridiculous

So if I write an inline function that trades a stock on the stock market for me, you're telling me that it will make that trade when I compile the program, without even running it? This is obviously incorrect, and a misuse of the work "invoke".

Matt 02-18-2015 01:50 PM

Are you kidding me?

Compile time, really??
They are placed whenever they are invoked

Neeraj 11-7-2014 03:41 AM

inline function

An inline function is a function that is expanded inline at the point at which it is invoked, instead of actually being called.
If a function is inline, the compiler places a copy of the code of that function at each point where the function is called at compile time.

career 08-17-2014 01:44 AM

Questions again

Invoked usually means called. All functions are called at runtime. Did you means, what is an inline function. That make more sense.

I'm guessing your questions weren't written by someone who knows C++

Shauno 08-16-2014 12:55 PM

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