Which of the following tags in struts-config.xml file defines the availability of necessary Struts JSP custom tag libraries?

- < jsp-lib>
- < struts-taglib>
- < taglib>
- < jsp-taglib>

CORRECT ANSWER : < taglib>

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Taglib is a component that is used to provide a set of JSP custom tag libraries. This component helps developers creating interactive form-based applications. There are tags to help with everything from displaying error messages to dealing with nested ActionForm beans.

Struts Taglib is composed of four distinct tag libraries:

1) Bean - It is used to define new beans from varieties of possible sources.
2) HTML- It is used to create input forms as well as HTML based user interfaces.
3) Logic- It provides conditional generation of output text, looping over object collections for repetitive generation objects and application flow management
4) Nested- tags extend the base Struts tags to allow them to relate to each other in a nested nature.

Rohit Sharma 10-15-2014 02:15 PM

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