Business delegate pattern

- Hides remote services complexity
- Reduces coupling and increases manageability
- Eases failure recovery
- All of the above

CORRECT ANSWER : All of the above

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Business delegate pattern

Business Delegate Pattern provides a way to decouple presentation tier and business tier. It reduces communication or remote lookup functionality to business tier code in presentation tier code. The following entities are used in business tier:

1) Client - Presentation tier code may be JSP, servlet or UI java code.
2) Business Delegate - A single entry point class for client entities to provide access to Business Service methods.
3) LookUp Service - is responsible to get relative business implementation and provide business object access to business delegate object.
4) Business Service - It is an interface that provides way where concrete classes implements this business service to provide actual business implementation logic.

Rohit Sharma 10-15-2014 02:23 PM

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