_____________ is the process of converting a primitive type data into its corresponding wrapper class object instance.

- unboxing
- autoboxing

CORRECT ANSWER : autoboxing

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Autoboxing is the name that is used to present automatic converstion of primitive type to their corresponding object wrapper classes. Java compiler makes this automatic conversion possible. For example: converting an int to an Integer, a double to a Double, and so on.

Example of autoboxing:

Character ch = 'a';

So converting a primitive value (an int, for example) into an object of the corresponding wrapper class (Integer) is called autoboxing.

The criteria in which Java compiler applies autoboxing:

1. When a primitive value is passed as a parameter to a method that might be expecting an object of the corresponding wrapper class.
2. When the primitive value is assigned to a variable of the corresponding wrapper class.

Rohit Sharma 08-6-2014 06:07 PM

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