Age limit, career prospects and earning potential of a professional dancer
Should I choose a private school or one affiliated to a company?
The choice of private school or a government school is difficult since there are number of dance school. Some of them are long established schools and having a good reputation while other are new ones. But remember it is not the school who produces a dancer but a dance teacher. So whether you choose a private or government school make sure the teacher is excel in the field.
What is the age limit to become a dancer?
There is no ager bar to be a dancer.
What is the earning potential for a dancer?
A fresh professional dancer can earn anywhere between Rs 10000 to Rs 15000 and with the experience the salary increases.
What are the career prospects of a professional dancer?
There is always a good scope of talent. If a dancer has an attractive appearance, good facial expression and can interpret the roles and stage presence these dancers can join stage groups or may join TV channels as a performer. Also professional dancers can form their own dancing groups. Another option is of starting dancing school and devote time for teaching dance. Thus mainly a dancer can work in three ways viz performer, teacher, choreographer.