How much Salary can I make per month?
How much Salary can I make per month?
Compensation is usually based on the size of the industry and the skills of the candidate. Since most of the industries are private, the demand and supply of the Human Resources is a major player in deciding the remuneration of the candidate. While multinational companies pay well, small companies are somewhat finicky about the pay scale of the employees. Leather Technology is an emerging field and down the line the situation is expected to change as there are many multinational companies setting up their bases in India. As a fresher in the Leather Industry in India, a technologist is expected to earn around 10,000 INR- 15,000 INR per month. With experience and enhancement of skills this can go up to 30,000 INR - 40,000 INR per month.
Should I go for footwear Technology or Leather Technology?
It entirely depends on your interest. Both are interrelated to each other. A part of Leather Technology deals with footwear technology, while a part of Footwear Technology also deals with leather technology. You can assess your skills and further choose your field.