20 windows programming interview questions and answers


Windows Programming interview questions and answers

1. Write a program to show the function of TCHAR used in Windows Programming?
2.What is the function of STR and LPSTR? - Windows Programming
3.Write a program to define the data types such as LONG, INT, SHORT, CHAR? - Windows Programming
4.Write a program that defines the pointers of data type used in Windows Programming?
5.Write a program that shows the use of DWORD, WORD, and BYTE? - Windows Programming
6.What is the use of Macros used in <windows.h> header files? - Windows Programming
7.What is the main purpose of Child Header files? - Windows Programming
8.What is the function of <windows.h> header file? - Windows Programming
9.What is the main function of context switching? - Windows Programming
10.What are the restrictions implied on API functions? - Windows Programming
11.What are the functions of System calls? - Windows Programming
12.What are the functions of Interrupts and system calls? - Windows Programming
13.What are the functions of Kernel Mode, interrupts and system calls? - Windows Programming
14.Why is virtual memory be used in the Windows architecture? - Windows Programming
15.What is the main use of Virtual memory? - Windows Programming
16.What are the different types of rings present in CPU? - Windows Programming
17.What are the important libraries involved in Windows programming?
18.What are the different types of component parts used in 2nd layer? - Windows programming
19.What are the different layers consist of in Windows Architecture? - Windows programming
20.What is the System Architecture for Windows Programming?

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