Zip Drive interview questions and answers


Zip Drive interview questions and answers

1. What is a zip drive?
2. How does a zip drive work?
3. What are the advantages of using a zip drive?
4. What are the disadvantages of a zip drive?
5. State the various capacities in which the zip disks are available?
6. Explain the components of a zip drive?
7. State the differences between zip disk systems and Bernoulli box system?
8. What are the different interfaces that zip drive is available in?
9. What were the compatibility issues of zip drives?
10. What is a Zip CD?
11. Can the zip disks be used as boot disks?
12. How many pins does a zip drive connector have?
13. What is the “click of death” problem in reference to zip disks?
14. Mention the differences between a zip disk and a floppy disk?
15. What are the differences between a zip disk and a hard disk?
16. What are the differences between zip disk and compact disk?
17. Why was there a decline in the usage of the flash drives?
18. What are the data transfer speeds offered by a zip drive?
19. What are the average seek times in a zip drive?
20. What were the main rivals of the zip drives during its era?
21. What is the usb interface?
22. What are the products that can be installed using a Zip Drive?
23. What are the restrictions that have been put on the usage of Zip drive with other hardware?
24. How to connect SCSI interface with the zip drive?
25. What are the different ports that are used with the zip drive?
26. What is the difference between parallel ports and serial ports?
27. How to transfer the files and folders between the systems using zip drive?
28. What is the need of the driver while installing the zip drive?
29. What are the steps required to install zip drive?
30. What are the hardware configuration that is required while using the zip drive?
31. What are the characteristics of zip drive?
32. Why there was a need to replace the zip drive?
33. Why it is difficult to transfer the files using zip drive?
34. What is the difference between zip drive and USB drive?
35. How zip disk is different from zip drive?
36. What are the advantages of zip disk over zip drive?
37. What role does economy play in making a technology better?
38. What is the difference between floppy disk and zip drive?
39. What is the process to format a zip drive?
40. How to protect the data present inside the zip drive?
41. How to mount the zip drive in Linux operating system?
42. What are the different interfaces in which zip drive available?
43. What is the function of zip zoom?
44. What is the function of parallel port external zip drive?
45. What are the different drivers that support zip drive?
46. How many drives that are present in zip drive?
47. What are the different interfaces present in zip drive?
48. How to connect zip drive with SCSI interface?
49. What are the different parameters used to define the data usage in zip drive?
50. What is the difference between external drive and internal drive?

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Use of Zip Drive device for HP Lap Top

1st Question: I have an 8 year old HP Lap Top. I have a zip drive and would like to know how to use zip drive? Step by step to take pics and documents off lap top to zip drive.
2nd Question: i also have a SDHC card 16 GB San Disk. Does the HP Lap have a for the port to use card? Does not look like it does.

Thank You Rodger

Rodger Ribeiro 10-3-2019 12:05 PM


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