Explain the rule-based optimizer and cost-based optimizer.
Explain how oracle optimizer works, Describe optimization methods, i.e.
cost-based approach and role-based optimization..........
Explain IN, OUT and INOUT in procedures, What are the rules of writing package?,
Explain the rules for writing a package..............
What is large object in oracle? Explain its purposes, Explain types of large
objects in oracle, i.e. BLOB, LLOB,NCLOB and BFILE............
User process – User process is used in invocation of application software, Data
writing process - A database writer process is used to write buffer content
into a datafile. They are specifically used to write “dirty block” to data
files from the buffer...............
What is trigger in oracle?, What are the types of triggers?, How the triggers
are attached to the table?, What are triggering attributes?..............
UNION: The UNION operator is used to combine the result-set of two or more
SELECT statements Tables of both the select statement must have the same number
of columns with similar data types. It eliminates duplicates..........