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Oracle -
Components of physical
database structure - Feb 18, 2010 at 11:00 AM
by Rajmeet Ghai
Name the components of physical database
structure of Oracle database. Explain them
Datafiles Redo log files Control files
Datafiles, Redo log files and Control files are the mandatory
components of a physical database structure.
Datafile: This component stores the actual data.
Each datafile is associated with only one database and tablespace.
Redo Log files: These are more or less like
backup files which are written before any changes to data files are
written. These files are most useful to minimize loss of important
data in event of system restart or shut down which can affect the
data files. This file contains redo records – i.e. records that
contain changed vectors.
Control files: These files contain the database
structure information. Information like database creation date,
name, redo threads, archive log history etc is stored. These files
if become unavailable; database cannot operate as they keep a track
of data files.
Also read
User process – User process is used in invocation of application
software, Data writing process - A database writer process is used
to write buffer content into a datafile. They are specifically used
to write “dirty block” to data files from the
Data Dictionary is used to store information about various
physical and logical Oracle structures, e.g.Tables, Tablespaces,
datafiles, etc.........
SYSTEM Tablespace, SYSAUX Tablespace, UNDO Tablespace, TEMP
The logical layer of the database consists of the following