Can you pass a parameter to a cursor?


Can you pass a parameter to a cursor?

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Oracle - Can you pass a parameter to a cursor? Explain with an explain - Feb 23, 2010 at 11:00 PM by Rajmeet Ghai

Can you pass a parameter to a cursor? Explain with an explain.

A cursor can have a parameter in the IN mode.

The cursor below accepts a parameter of data type varchar2.
cursor sample (v_key varchar2) is
        select initcap(book_title) bk_title,
                 sum(quantity) sales, author_key 
            book join sales using (book_key)
                 join book_author using (book_key)
        where author_key = v_key
        group by initcap(book_title), author_key;

Oracle - Can you pass a parameter to a cursor? Explain with an explain - Feb 07, 2010 at 14:20 PM by Shuchi Gauri

Can you pass a parameter to a cursor? Explain with an explain

Parameterized cursor:

/*Create a table*/
create table Employee(
First_Name VARCHAR2(10 BYTE)

/*Insert some data*/
Insert into Employee (ID, First_Name) values (‘01’,’Harry’);

/*create cursor*/
cursor c_emp(cin_No NUMBER)is select count(*) from employee where id=cin_No;
v_countEmp NUMBER;
open c_emp (v_deptNo);
fetch c_emp into v_countEmp;
close c_emp;

/*Using cursor*/
Open c_emp (10);

Oracle - Can you pass a parameter to a cursor? Explain with an explain - April 10, 2009 at 11:00 AM

Can you pass a parameter to a cursor? Explain with an explain  

Yes, explicit cursors can take parameters.

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Oracle and C#

I want to pass a parameter from C# code behind to an oracle explicit cursor storedprocedure,how can i do it?
Please show me with example.
Thanks in advance!

zelalem 02-4-2012 07:43 AM



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