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Oracle - What
are SQL*Plus Environment variables? - April 10, 2009
at 11:00 AM
What are SQL*Plus Environment
The behaviour of SQL PLUS depends on some environmental variables
predefined in the OS:
ORACLE_HOME: This variable stores the home directory where the
Oracle client application is installed
PATH: It contains a list of directories where SQL*Plus can look
for executables or DLLs. PATH should include $ORACLE_HOMEbin
SQLPLUS: The directory where localization messages are stored.
SQLPLUS should be set to $ORACLE_HOMEsqlplusmesg
TNS_ADMIN: The directory where the connect
identifier file, tnsnames.ora is located. TNS_ADMIN should be set to
Also read
SQL*Plus is an interactive and batch query tool, it gets
installed with every Oracle Database Server or Client
Input buffer feature of the command-line SQL*Plus tool allows a
revision of multiple-line command and rerunning it with a
couple of simple commands. The last SQL statement