Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
What are the steps required to solve the problems of aircraft flying high and
at very large speed?
There are various steps required to solve the problems of aircraft flying high
and at very large speed are as follows:
• Build stiff wings that allow and provide the resistance to torsional
diversion beyond the maximum speed of the aircraft.
• Use two sets of ailerons and one outboard pair that can be operated at low
• Use of one inboard pair that can be used to operate on high speeds, this will
have less twisting impact when the ailerons are positioned outboard.
• Use spoilers that can be positioned independently or can be paired with
ailerons. These reduce the lift on the down going wing by interrupting the
airflow over the top surface.
What are the functions performed by rudder?
The rudder is involved in providing the movement to the ports that gives a lift
force to starboard. This will allow the aircraft to turn and uses the ailerons
effectively to bank the aircraft by minimum use of rudder. The functions
performed by rudder are as follows:
• It is used with different applications that are involved in taking off and
landing to keep aircraft straight.
• Providing assistance that is, limited only for the aircraft to turn
• Used in applications during spin to reduce the roll rate of the aircraft and
there are some applications that provides low speeds and high angles to allow
the raising of the wings.
What are the criteria need to be followed for an aircraft to be longitudinal
statically stable?
The criteria that are required for an aircraft to be longitudinal statically
stable, is:
• To have a nose-down pitching disturbance that is used to produce the
aerodynamics forces to give a nose-up restoring moment.
• This restoring moment that is produced should be large enough to return the
aircraft to its original position after the disturbance.
• The requirements are met by using the tail-plain that is horizontal
stabilizer used to provide the stability to the aircraft.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6