Cloud Computing interview questions and answers Part 2


Cloud Computing interview questions and answers Part 2

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5

What are the different deployment models?

Cloud computing supports many deployment models and they are as follows:

• Private Cloud
Organizations choose to build there private cloud as to keep the strategic, operation and other reasons to themselves and they feel more secure to do it. It is a complete platform which is fully functional and can be owned, operated and restricted to only an organization or an industry. More organizations have moved to private clouds due to security concerns. Virtual private cloud is being used that operate by a hosting company.

• Public Cloud
These are the platforms which are public means open to the people for use and deployment. For example, google, amazon etc. They focus on a few layers like cloud application, infrastructure providing and providing platform markets.

• Hybrid Clouds
It is the combination of public and private cloud. It is the most robust approach to implement cloud architecture as it includes the functionalities and features of both the worlds. It allows organizations to create their own cloud and allow them to give the control over to someone else as well.

What are the different datacenters deployed for this?

Cloud computing is made up of various datacenters put together in a grid form. It consists of different datacenters like:

• Containerized Datacenters
These are the traditional datacenters that allow high level of customization with servers, mainframe and other resources. It requires planning, cooling, networking and power to access and work.

• Low-Density Datacenters
These datacenters are optimized to give high performance. In these datacenters the space constraint is being removed and there is an increased density. It has a drawback that with high density the heat issue also creeps in. These datacenters are very much suitable to develop the cloud infrastructure.

What is the use of API’s in cloud services?

API stands for Application programming interface is very useful in cloud platforms as it allows easy implementation of it on the system. It removes the need to write full fledged programs. It provides the instructions to make the communication between one or more applications. It also allows easy to create application with ease and link the cloud services with other systems.

What are the different modes of software as a service?

Software as a Service provides cloud application platform on which user can create application with the tools provided. The modes of software as a service are defined as:
1. Simple multi-tenancy: in this each user has its own resources that are different from other users. It is an inefficient mode where the user has to put more time and money to add more infrastructure if the demand rises in less time to deliver.
2. Fine grain multi-tenancy: in this the functionality remains the same that the resources can be shared to many. But it is more efficient as the resources are shared not the data and permission within an application.

What is the security aspects provided with cloud?

Security is one of the major aspects which come with any application and service used by the user. Companies or organizations remain much more concerned with the security provided with the cloud. There are many levels of security which has to be provided within cloud environment such as:
• Identity management: it authorizes the application service or hardware component to be used by authorized users.
• Access control: permissions has to be provided to the users so that they can control the access of other users who are entering the in the cloud environment.
• Authorization and authentication: provision should be made to allow the authorized and authenticated people only to access and change the applications and data.

What is the difference between traditional datacenters and cloud?

Cloud computing uses the concept of datacenter as it is the datacenter is based on the tradition one so the difference between them are as follows:
• Cost of the traditional datacenter is higher, due to heating issues and other hardware/software related issues but this is not the case with the cloud computing infrastructure.
• It gets scaled when the demand increases. Most of the cost is being spent on the maintenance being performed on the datacenters, whereas cloud platform requires minimum maintenance and not very expert hand to handle them.

Introduction to Cloud Computing
Cloud computing architecture
Cloud computing – Amazon
Cloud Computing – MapReduce
Ubuntu Cloud

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