Industrial Engineering interview questions and answers - part 5


Industrial Engineering interview questions and answers - part 5

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6

21. What environmental controls?

Environmental Controls Systems and equipment required for air and water pollution abatement generally carry increased fuel and maintenance labor and materials costs. Reductions in plant output resulting from the higher condensing pressures associated with cooling-tower
operation or the added auxiliary power for stack gas clean-up systems lower plant efficiency and increase fuel consumption.

22. On what bases time study methods can be calculated?

• Application of past experience. The time required to do the operation in the past, either recorded or remembered, may be used as the present standard or as a basis for estimating a standard for a similar operation or the same operation being done under changed conditions.
• Direct observation and measurement. The operation may be observed and its time recorded as it is actually performed and adjustments may be made to allow for the estimated pace rate of the operator and for special allowances.
• Synthetic techniques. A time standard for an actual or proposed operation may be constructed from the sum of the times to perform its several components. The times of the components are extracted from standard charts, tables, graphs, and formulas in manuals or in computer databases and totaled to arrive at the overall time for the entire operation.

23. Why virtual corporation is used?

Virtual corporation is used to identify those combinations of business and industry where technology is used to execute a wide array of temporary alliances in order to grasp specific market opportunities. With business becoming more complex and global, it is highly likely there will be more partnerships emerging among companies and entrepreneurs.

24. How improvements can be made for designing the parts?

Improvements can be made by:
• simplifying the design through reduction of the number of parts,
• reducing the number of operations required to produce the design,
• reducing the length of travel in the manufacture of the design, and
• utilizing a better material in design.

25. How the costs of the products and throughput time can be reduced while handling materials?

It can be done by following below mentioned points:
• reduction of time spent in picking up material
• maximum use of mechanical handling equipment
• better use of existing handling facilities
• greater care in the handling of materials.

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6

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