Who conceived and designed the Informix database management
What do you know about light scans in Informix?
What does mirroring mean in Informix?
What do you mean by Informix Universal Server?
What database server operating modes are available for Informix?
Explain the concept of fragment elimination in Informix
You need to find out which dbspace a database resides on. What is the command
that you will use in Informix?
What are the uses of key value locking in Informix?
What do you mean by chunk in Informix?
How would you add comments to a table in Informix?
List the temporary objects in Informix
Why does a foreground write in Informix decrease performance?
Explain extent.
What do you mean by: a.)Informix Binary Large Object b.)Informix instance
What are the three major components in Informix Dynamic Server on UNIX system?
What is the size of Informix page?
You need to capture an ISAM error from an Informix ODBC program on UNIX. What
will you do?
What are the joins available in Informix?