What are the main features of SAP DB?
What are the major differences between SAP DB and other database systems?
Why has SAPDB been released as Open Source?
Will applications using SAPDB have to be Open Source as well?
What are the Drawbacks of SAP DB?
Which SQL standard does SAPDB support?
Explain: a.) Datasets b.) Internal table c.) check table d.) value table e.)
Transparent table
What are the interfaces supported by SAP DB?
What tools are used in SAP Implementation? How Alert Messages are created?
Situation: You need to move data or databases between servers. What steps will
you take?
Differentiate between R3trans and Tp in SAP-DBA.
What is the use of tool Database Analyzer in SAP DB?
Explain: a.) Commit b.) Roll back
Differentiate between “Insert”, “Update” and “Modify”.
Explain a.) Catch Command. b.) Logical Databases
What are the principles of relational model.
Diferrentiate between layers and routes.
Differentiate between SAP sid and host name.
Does writing more than one trigger affect Database or table performance.
Differentiate between open SQL and native SQL.
You need to debug a sapscript. How would you do that?
Explain: a.) ITS b.) DynPro
Explain spool buffer.
Situation: You raise a new spool request.The spool buffer was already full.
What will happen to the request? where would the request get stored?
Explain data quality in SAP.
Differentiate between SAP memory and ABAP memory.
Explain RMAN. Can it be used for database recovery and backup? If ye, how?
DOes C-API exist to access SAP DB?
Differentiate between support packages and kernel upgrade.
Situation: I used "Update" command without Where clause. What would happen?
Situation: You need a create a table with fields without referring to data
elements. Is it possible? If yes, how?
Explain “Group by” in Select statement
How would you install multiple Central Instances on the same physical machine?
What is the select statement to read data into internal tables?