DB/OS/DS/Networking/HTML - 5

1)   A machine has a physical memory of 64 Mbyte and a virtual address space of 32 - bit. The page size is 4kbyte, What is the approximate size of the page table?

a. 24 Mbyte
b. 16 Mbyte
c. 2 Mbyte
d. 8 Mbyte
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: 2 Mbyte

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2)   We have a process that has been allocated 3 page frames and initially none of the pages of the process are available in the memory. The following sequence of page references (reference string) is made by the process :
1, 2, 1, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6, 3, 1
If Optimal Page Replacement policy is used,  _______ page faults will occur for the above reference string.

a. 7
b. 8
c. 9
d. 6
Answer  Explanation 


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3)   We have a process that has been allocated 3 page frames and initially none of the pages of the process are available in the memory. The following sequence of page references (reference string) is made by the process :
1, 2, 1, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6, 3, 1
How many page faults will occur for the above reference string with the Least Recently Used(LRU) Page Replacement Policy in comparison to an Optimal Page Replacement policy?

a. 3
b. 2
c. 1
d. 0
Answer  Explanation 


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4)   We have three processes P0, P1 and P2 whose arrival time and burst time are given below.
If the preemptive Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling algorithm is carried out only at arrival or   completion of processes then the average waiting time for the three processes is ________.

a. 7.33ms
b. 6.33ms
c. 5.0ms
d. 4.33ms
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: 5.0ms

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5)   Which of the following statements is not true for the deadlock prevention and deadlock avoidance schemes?

a. Deadlock avoidance is less restrictive than deadlock prevention.
b. In deadlock prevention, the request for resources is always granted, if the resulting state is safe.
c. It is the priority to have the knowledge of resource requirements for deadlock avoidance.
d. In deadlock avoidance, the request for resources is always granted, if the resulting state is safe.
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: In deadlock avoidance, the request for resources is always granted, if the resulting state is safe.

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6)   The Remote Procedure call is not Inter - Process Communication.

a. True
b. False

Answer  Explanation 


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7)   What is TCP / IP Protocol?

a. It receives data from application as a single stream.
b. It uses a three way handshake to establish a connection.
c. It is a Connection Oriented Program
d. All the Above
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: All the Above

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8)   Which command gets set as a trunk port on a 2960 Switch?

a. switchport mode trunk
b. trunk on
c. trunk all
d. switchport trunk on
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: switchport mode trunk

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9)   What does the Cryptographic hash function return when it takes an arbitrary block of data?

a. Variable size bit string
b. Fixed size bit string
c. All of the Above
d. None of the Above
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Fixed size bit string

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10)   Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a __________.

a. Stream Cipher
b. Bit Cipher
c. Block Cipher
d. Substitution Cipher
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Block Cipher

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11)   Which HTML is a container for meta data?

a. <body>
b. <html>
c. <head>
d. <p>
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: <head>

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12)   Entity names are case sensitive.

a. True
b. False

Answer  Explanation 


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13)   Which of the following statements is true about a URL?

a. It is used to address a document on the web
b. It is known as Uniform Resource Locator
c. The web pages from the web servers are requested by the URL
d. All of the above
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: All of the above

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14)   Abbreviate XHTML.

a. Extensible HyperText Markup Language
b. Extensive High Text Markup Language
c. Extensive HyperText Markup Language
d. Extensible High Text Markup Language
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Extensible HyperText Markup Language

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15)   If ' h ' is a hashing function and it is used to hash ' n ' keys into a table of size ' m '  where n <= m . What is the expected number of collisions involving a particular key ' x ' ?

a. less than 1.
b. less than n.
c. less than m.
d. less than n / 2.
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: less than 1.

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16)   What time is required for deleting a node ' x ' from a Doubly Linked List whose having ' n ' nodes?

a. O (n)
b. O (log n)
c. O (1)
d. O (n log n)
Answer  Explanation 


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17)   If a binary tree of depth is “ d ”, then when can we say that it is an almost complete binary tree?

a. Each leaf in the tree is either at level “ d ” or at level “ d –1 ” .
b. For any node “ n ” in the tree with a right descendent at level “ d ” all the left descendants of “ n ” that are leaves, are also at level “ d ”.
c. Both A and B.
d. None of the above.
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Both A and B.

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18)   What is the postfix form of the following prefix expression?

A / B * C $ DE

a. ABCDE $ * / -
b. A - BCDE $ * / -
c. ABC $ ED * / -
d. A - BCDE $ * /
Answer  Explanation 


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19)   Which of the following is the depth of a Complete Binary Tree?

a. Dn = n log2n
b. Dn = n log2n + 1
c. Dn = log2n
d. Dn = log2n + 1
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Dn = log2n + 1

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20)   Which of the following is the Worst-case of Quick Sort?

a. O (n log n)
b. O (N2)
c. O (log n)
d. O (n2 / 4)
Answer  Explanation 


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21)   Which of the following sorting methods would be most suitable for sorting a list?

a. Bubble Sort
b. Insertion Sort
c. Selection Sort
d. Quick Sort
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Bubble Sort

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22)   In graphs, A hyperedge is an edge that is allowed to take on any number of _____________.

a. vertices
b. edges
c. both a and b
d. labels
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: vertices

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23)   A Vertex comprising only incoming edges without any outgoing edges, specifically known as _________.

a. Source
b. Sink
c. Isolated
d. None of the above.
Answer  Explanation 


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24)   Which command helps to display schema of a table?

Answer  Explanation 


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25)   What is degree 0 isolation?

a. Transaction does not read dirty data from other transactions.
b. Transaction does not commit any writes until it completes all its writes.
c. Transactions do not dirty data read by a transaction before the transaction commits.
d. A transaction does not overwrite data updated by another user or process.
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: A transaction does not overwrite data updated by another user or process.

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26)   Which type of lock ensures that multiple updates cannot be made to the same resource at the same time?

a. Schema
b. Shared
c. Exclusive
d. Intent
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Exclusive

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27)   Attribute B has a functional dependency on attribute A if, for each value of attribute A, there is exactly one value of attribute B. (Database)

a. True
b. False

Answer  Explanation 


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28)   Under which category do the commands CREATE and ALTER belong to?

a. DML
b. DDL
c. UML
d. None of the above.
Answer  Explanation 


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29)   What is a degree of relation?

a. It is the number of attributes of its relation schema.
b. The number of relationships with other tables
c. Number of association among two or more entities
d. Number of foreign key dependencies
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: It is the number of attributes of its relation schema.

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30)   Which of the following is / are known as a minimal superkey?

a. Primary key
b. Foreign key
c. Unique key
d. Candidate key
Answer  Explanation 

ANSWER: Candidate key

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