What do you understand by Grievance?
Replies (0), Started: 03-31-2013, Last Reply: 03-31-2013 - No Replies
According to you, under which conditions can a grievance arise?
Replies (0), Started: 03-31-2013, Last Reply: 03-31-2013 - No Replies
Which approach would you recommend for the managers to use to manage the grievance effectively?
Replies (0), Started: 03-31-2013, Last Reply: 03-31-2013 - No Replies
Does an effective grievance redressal ensure healthy work environment? Role of managers in grievance handling.
Replies (0), Started: 03-31-2013, Last Reply: 03-31-2013 - No Replies
What are the key points to remember while handling a grievance?
Replies (0), Started: 03-31-2013, Last Reply: 03-31-2013 - No Replies
Should Grievance Redressal training be made compulsory for the managers?
Replies (0), Started: 03-31-2013, Last Reply: 03-31-2013 - No Replies
Does Grievance policy benefit both the employees & the employer?
Replies (0), Started: 03-31-2013, Last Reply: 03-31-2013 - No Replies
What are the steps involved in a Grievance procedure?
Replies (0), Started: 03-31-2013, Last Reply: 03-31-2013 - No Replies