Some of the benefits of using CLR procedures are:
Granular control:
SQL Server administrators have little control over XPs. A SQL Server
administrator can assign one of SAFE, EXTERNAL_ACCESS, or UNSAFE permissions to
exert varying degrees of control over the operations that managed code is
allowed to perform Using the Code Access Security model.
Managed code in the SAFE and EXTERNAL_ACCESS permission sets, provides a
reliable programming model
Data access:
Managed CLR code can access local data using a more natural and efficient
programming model that takes advantage of the current connection and
transaction context.
Additional Data Types:
The managed APIs support new data types introduced in SQL Server 2005, while the
ODS APIs have not been extended to support these new types.
With CLR code, SQL Server can detect that a given thread has not yielded for a
long period of time and force the task to yield so that other work can be