Zend interview questions and answers


Zend interview questions and answers

What is the difference between Zend_Auth and Zend_Acl? - Zend
Write a program that performs the calculations using the SQL function? - Zend
What is the procedure to see that the optional file is detected? - Zend
What is the procedure to see that the optional file is detected? - Zend
What are the ways in which the file can be detected as being uploaded or not? - Zend
What is the use of Zend framework?
What is the function of model in MVC architecture? - Zend
Write a program to retrieve the view object within plugin? - Zend
What is the function of action helper in Zend?
Write a program to show the function of action helper? - Zend
What is the function Lucene? - Zend
Why are in-built libraries used for the web services? - Zend
What are the steps kept in mind while designing the Zend_Form? - Zend
Write a program to show the instantiation of the window class? - Zend
What are the methods used in Decorator? - Zend
What is being presented by the Decorators? - Zend
What are the basic operations performed by the Decorator? - Zend
What are the default methods provided by decorators? - Zend
Write a program to show the execution of the application? - Zend
What are the elements used in customizing the output of using the standard decorators? - Zend

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