Cloud Computing interview questions and answers Part 4


Cloud Computing interview questions and answers Part 4

Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5

What do you understand from VPN?

VPN stands for virtual private network; it is a private cloud which manages the security of the data during the transport in the cloud environment. VPN allows an organization to make a public network as private network and use it to transfer files and other resources on a network.

What does a VPN consists of?

VPN is known as virtual private network and it consists of two important things:
1. Firewall: it acts as a barrier between the public network and any private network. It filters the messages that are getting exchanged between the networks. It also protects from any malicious activity being done on the network.
2. Encryption: it is used to protect the sensitive data from professional hackers and other spammers who are usually remain active to get the data. With a message always there will be a key with which you can match the key provided to you.

Name few platforms which are used for large scale cloud computing

There are many platforms available for cloud computing but to model the large scale distributed computing the platforms are as follows:
1. MapReduce: is software that is being built by Google to support distributed computing. It is a framework that works on large set of data. It utilizes the cloud resources and distributes the data to several other computers known as clusters. It has the capability to deal with both structured and non-structured data.
2. Apache Hadoop: is an open source distributed computing platform. It is being written in Java. It creates a pool of computer each with hadoop file system. It then clusters the data elements and applies the hash algorithms that are similar. Then it creates copy of the files that already exist.

What are some examples of large cloud providers and their databases?

Cloud computing has many providers and it is supported on the large scale. The providers with their databases are as follows:
• Google bigtable: it is a hybrid cloud that consists of a big table that is spilt into tables and rows. MapReduce is used for modifying and generating the data.
• Amazon SimpleDB: is a webservice that is used for indexing and querying the data. It allows the storing, processing and creating query on the data set within the cloud platform. It has a system that automatically indexes the data.
• Cloud based SQL: is introduced by Microsoft and it is based on SQL database. it provides data storage by the usage of relational model in the cloud. The data can be accessed from the cloud using the client application.

What are some open source cloud computing platform databases?

Cloud computing platform has various databases that are in support. The open source databases that are developed to support it is as follows:
1. MongoDB: is an open source database system which is schema free and document oriented database. It is written in C++ and provides tables and high storage space.
2. CouchDB: is an open source database system based on Apache server and used to store the data efficiently
3. LucidDB: is the database made in Java/C++ for data warehousing. It provides features and functionalities to maintain data warehouse.

What essential things a user should know before going for cloud computing platform?

A user should know some parameters by which he can go for the cloud computing services. The parameters are as follows:
1. User should know the data integrity in cloud computing. It is a measure to ensure integrity like the data is accurate, complete and reasonable.
2. Compliance: user should make sure that proper rules and regulations are followed while implementing the structure.
3. Loss of data: user should know about the provisions that are provided in case of loss of data so that backup and recovery can be possible.
4. Business continuity plans: user should think about does the cloud services provide him uninterrupted data resources.
5. Uptime: user should know about the uptime the cloud computing platform provides and how helpful it is for the business.
6. Data storage costs: user should find out about the cost which you have to pay before you go for cloud computing.

Introduction to Cloud Computing
Cloud computing architecture
Cloud computing – Amazon
Cloud Computing – MapReduce
Ubuntu Cloud

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