Advertising is defined as a paid form of communication that reaches the target audience through mass media..........
An advertisement campaign must comprise of the following: A solid marketing plan, Advertising budget..........
Media Advertising (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines), Direct Response Advertising, Interactive (on-line) Advertising, Web Sites,..........
The main purpose in measuring the effectiveness of any advertising campaigns is to evaluate its effect on the sales and also brand recall factor...........
The following are the qualities required to be successful in the field of advertising: Creativity, Strategic focus..........
It depends on the following factors: Reach, Geographical spread..........
Today, internet plays a pivotal role in both B2B and B2C space. Internet advertising helps the company to reach a large target audience in a small budget and also is easily measurable...........
The following are the factors to be considered before deciding the target audience for any advertisements:..........
Deceptive advertising is also known as “False Advertising”. It is one form of advertising that will equip consumers with false and misleading information...........
Word of mouth marketing, Direct marketing, Public opinions survey, Trade show/exhibition promotion etc...........