Tasks performed during the stabilizing phase are: Testing the solution and Conducting the pilot........
Various milestones of the MSF stabilizing phases are: Bug Convergence, Zero-bug bounce, Release candidates and Golden Release........
Types of testing defined in MSF - Coverage Testing and Usage testing. Coverage Testing: It’s a type of testing used to determine how much part of the source code has been tested. It’s a type of white box testing......
Check-in tests - These are the tests performed by the developers before they check-in the code in order to ensure that the code is in a stable state........
Function testing involves testing of various functions present in the source code. It is done by developers.......
Build verification tests - It is a collection of tests which are performed on every new build of the solution to verify sanity of the solution........
Regression tests are performed to ensure that any changes in the code have not broken previous functionality.........
Configuration tests are performed to ensure that the current configuration does not suffer from any potential problems.........
Stress tests can be done manually or automatically using tools such as load runner........
Performance testing is executed to measure some performance metrics/quality attributes of the system and not functionality or integrity........
Compatibility tests - It is a set of non functional tests that are executed to test the application’s compatibility on the environment it is being run on........
Alpha testing is performed by end users at development site whereas; Beta testing is when developers.........
Parallel testing is testing of a new data based system on the same data source that another system uses.........
Programming errors are termed as bugs. variables to a bug - Repeatability, Visibility and Severity.......
Zero bug bounce is a point where development catches up with testing and there are no active bugs at that point of time..........
A release candidate is a milestone which is achieved after a zero bug bounce. Some of their features are:.........
A pilot is a process of reviewing a solution to decide if it’s capable of going in production or not..........
Core components: Components that provide the main framework for the solution are termed as core components. E.g.: domain controllers, mail routers, remote access servers etc..........
Quiet period is the time between deployment stable and deployment complete milestones. The team is no longer active but will definitely respond to issue in 15-30 days (quiet period)..........
Project reviews at the end of the deployment phase are: Team review and Customer review.........
Unit test is the lowest level of testing and tests the smallest piece of a system. Its main objective is to verify that the code meets its design specifications and behave as expected.........