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Oracle -
Explain the characteristics of Data Files in oracle - April 10, 2009
at 11:00 AM
Explain the characteristics of Data Files
in oracle.
One or more data files form a logical unit of database storage
called a tablespace.
The size of the data file can't be changed
once it is created.
Also read
A control file contains information such as location of redo log
files, backup data and redo log information..........
One or more data files form a logical unit of database storage
called a tablespace...........
Cold Backup : In this type of backup, after the database is shut
down, DBA exits the SVRMGR utility and copies the log files, data
files and control files onto a backup media...........
User process – User process is used in invocation of application
software, Data writing process - A database writer process is used
to write buffer content into a datafile. They are specifically used
to write “dirty block” to data files from the buffer................