Asynchronous Programming in remoting Application
By Nishant Kumar
There are two ways that the remoting objects can be configured. They can be
configured by calling configuration methods inside the application. .Net
Framework allows configuring objects also by adding configuration section in
the application configuration file.
When you apply any change in the configuration section, you don’t need to
recompile the code. On the other hand, any change in the setting applied
programmatically would require recompiling the code.
Remoting system requires certain information about remote objects to be hosted
which are as follows
Activation type
URL of the remote object
Type metadata
.Net Framework provides RemotingConfiguration class in the
System.Runtime.Remoting namespace that allows configuring object
In .Net, you can have configuration setting in the application configuration
file or in the machine.config file. You can use RemotingConfiguration.Configure
method to load the setting in the code, e.g.
The configuration attributes in the XML configuration file of the application
are below.
This element contains the information about the remote objects.
This element contains the remote object.
This element has three attribute such as mode, type, and objectUri. Mode can be
Singleton or SingleCall. Type is the name of the assembly that contains type
implementation. ObjectUri specifies the endpoint for the URI of an object.
This element contains information about the client-activated objects that are
exposed by the application.
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