Remote Objects activation
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By Nishant Kumar
The behavior of remoting object is determined by the ways object is
created and activated. There are two ways of activation for .NET remote
Server Activation
In server activation, the object is created on the server when method call
arrives from client to server process. But the object doesn't get created when
you use new keyword to create instance of the server class.
You can specify server activated objects to acts either as singleton or Single
Call objects.
SingleCall: If an object is declared as SingleCall object, the
remoting system creates an object each time a client method invokes a remote
object. SingleCall objects are useful when limited work expected from the
objects. These objects cannot hold state information between method calls.
Singleton Objects: A single instance of the server class
manages the entire client. These objects serve multiple clients with one
instance. This mode allows maintaining object's state which can be useful when
data needs to be shared explicitly between clients.
Client-Activated Objects: The client-activated object is
created on the server when an instance of the server class is created using new
keyword. When you create instance of server object, a connection is made to the
server and the client proxy is created. These objects can maintain state
information between method calls for the client.
Life Time of Remote Object.
A lease is created for every object that can be transported across domain. The
lease controls the lifetime of the object. The remoting object serves client
until its lease expires. When the lease expires, the object is disconnected
from the client and available to get destroyed by garbage collection.
Following are the major differences between Server.Transfer and
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