What is data dictionary? What are its functions?
List important features of ABAP/4 dictioary.
List down the basic objects of data dictionary.
What are the uses of information in Data dictionary?
What are the layers of data description in R/3?
Explain: a.) External layer b.) ABAP/4 layer c.) Database layer
What is a Data Class? What does it do? What are its different types?
What is a Size Category? What does it do? What are its different types?
Explain Control Tables. What do they do?
Explain transport system. What does it do?
Explain Workbench organizer. What is its function?
What is a table pool? What is it used for?
Explain pooled table. What are they used for?
Explain: a.) Table Cluster b.) Correction system c.) Transport system
How does one access the transport and correction system?
Name independent transport objects.
Which interface is used to convert data types between the following?
a.) ABAP/4 and DB layer.
b.) ABAP/4 and external layer
Name the data types of external layer.
Name the data types of ABAP/4 layers.
How are table spaces and extent sizes set?
What is correction system? What is its function?
Explain: a.) Local Objects b.) Development Class
Can dictionary tables be defined independent of underlying database in ABAP/4?
What is a reference field?
How does specifying technical settings while creating a table in the data
dictionary help?
Explain table attribute. What are its various types?
What is the importance of Delivery Class?
Name the methods available for modifying SAP standard tables.
Explain a.) Append structure b.) Customizing Includes c.) Substructure
How many structures can be included in a table or structure?
Can you use append structures if a table which is required to be extended
contains a long field? Explain your answer.
Is it possible to include customizing include or an append structure with
pooled or clustered tables? Explain your answer.
Situation: You want to restrict the value range of a domain. What will you do?
What are aggregate objects? What are base tables of an aggregate object?
Explain the following aggregate objects in the Dictionary?
a.) Views
b.) Match Code
c.) Lock Object
What are views? Explain the following types of views:
a.) Structure Views
b.) Entity Views
Explain the following types of views: a.) Database view b.) Help view c.)
Projection view d.) Maintenance view
Explain Match Code. What are the elements used to describe it? How many match
code id's can be defined for one Match Code Object?
Explain Update Type in Match Code ID.Is it OK for a matchcode object to contain
IDs with different update types?
Explain the following update types: a.) Update type A b.) Update type S c.)
Update type P d.) Update type I e.) Update type L
Explain the following ways of building a Match Code Object: a.) Logical
Structure b.) Physical Structure
Explain Database Index. How is it different from Match code?
Explain Domain and its functions.
A domain is bring used by data elements. Can you perform following actions on
it? a.) Deleting the domain b.) Changing the domain
Explain Data Element. What are its functions?
Situation: You want to define a field without data element. Is it possible? If
yes, How?
Explain Null Values.
Differentiate between a structure and a table.
Explain Database Utility. What are its basic functions?
Explain the following: a.) Locking b.) Reporsitory Info System