1. Explain the following and their uses.
a.) MRP List
b.) Stock Requirement List
c.) MRP Controller
d.) MRP Group.
2. Explain
a.)Schedule Margin Key
b.)Service Level Agreements
c.) Variant configuration
3. What do you mean by following?
a.) Basic Dates
b.) Opening Periods
c.) Planning Time Fence
d.) Planning Time Horizon
4. What is Group BOM? Is it possible to attach the drawing for a material to
BOM? How?
5. Explain the following and the steps involved in them.
a.) GAPS
b.) LSMW
6. Situation - You want to insert an inspection check point at the end of an
operation. How would you do that?
7. What does the use of MS70 followed by MCEC get you?
8. Situation
a.) Both Labor and Machine categories exist. How would you calculate the
process time?
b.) You want to create object dependencies in a BOM for configurable materials?
How would you navigate?
9. What general data appears on Basic Data Screen?
10. What is the output of MPS run?
11. Define:
a.) Standard Cost
b.) Variable Cost
12. List the important tables used in PP.
13. Situation - You want to integrate PP with FICO. What steps would you take?
14. Why is work scheduling required for semi finished and finished products?
15. How does SAP know that an operation has components as indicated by the
component allocation indicator?