SAP PS interview questions


SAP PS interview questions

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1. Explain the organizational structure of SAP-PS module. List the parameters of Project System.
2. What do following mean?
a.) Activities
b.) NTW
c.) WBS
3. You want to define special characters for projects. What T-code and menu path will you use?
4. How does coding mask affect the project? Tell the menu path for the location where it is created.
5. Situation -
a.) You want to set field status of WBS as mandatory. How would you do it?
6. Differentiate between:
a.) Validation and Substitution
7. a.)Explain Time Profiles.
b.) What do they do?
c.) Where do we define them?
d.) List different types of Time profile
8. a.) Explain Value Categories
b.) How are they maitained?
9. Explain planning profile. How do you create and change it? Tell the menu path.
10. a.)How is the budget for the project controlled? Tell the menu path for the place where it is controlled.
b.) How do you ensure that the project doesn't go over budget?
11. Situation - You want to set the options for capacity report CM01. How would you do that?
12. Situation -
a.) You want to lock two WBS items say overheads and other expenses so that the user can not release PR. How would you do that?
b.) You want to stop the network from attaching further material after it is released. How would you do that?
c.) You want to update the progress in WBS elements. How would you do that?
13. Explain:
a.) Settlement Rules
b.) Gnatt Chart
c.) Relationship
d.) Milestone triggering
14. How would you integrate PS with other modules?
15. Explain:
a.) Poject Management
b.) Unit Costing
c.) Project planning board

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