Developing Next Generation Web Applications


Developing Next Generation Web Applications 


Web applications have historically been less rich and responsive than desktop applications. End users don’t necessarily understand the details of how an application works, but they know that interacting with a website in the browser is distinctly different from using an application installed locally. When a development team tackles a new project, one of the first questions they are faced with is whether end users can accept the limitations of web development or whether they need to require a client desktop application to be installed. Web applications are accessible from just about any browser, just about anywhere, but they are limited by what you can do with markup and script code running in the browser.

Desktop applications, also called fat client applications, require that the user perform an installation on their machine, but let developers leverage the advanced mouse and graphics capabilities of the operating system that would be extremely difficult to implement in a web browser, and also take advantage of the user’s machine for tasks such as offline storage. Conversely, web applications can be updated just by changing what is running on the server, and site visitors get the latest version instantaneously. However, it’s much more difficult to update a desktop application, because you’d have to get users to perform yet another installation or else ensure that the application has been coded to include a clever system for doing updates automatically.


Developing Next Generation Web Applications 
Book Excerpt: Developing Next-Generation Web Applications
Chapter Contents

This excerpt from Professional ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX  by Matt Gibbs, Dan Wahlin, is printed with
permission from Wrox Publication.

Web applications are said to use a zero-deployment model, but desktop applications use a heavy deployment and configuration model. The choice is often characterized as a tradeoff between rich and reach: Desktop applications generally offer a richer user experience than what could be offered in the browser, but with a web application you are able to reach users anywhere on any OS with almost no extra effort. Further, many companies have restrictive policies in place regarding what software can be installed on employees’ machines, and they often don’t allow employees to have administrative access that is required to install new applications, so web applications will be the only viable option in many situations.

Bringing Richness to Web Applications

Years ago, having a web presence was a distinguishing factor for companies. That is no longer the case. Now just having a web presence is no longer enough. Companies are distinguishing themselves further through web applications that react intuitively to customer actions and anticipate user input. This book shows you how ASP.NET AJAX addresses specific web development challenges and paves the way for taking your website to another level of user experience. In this chapter, I discuss the need for richer frameworks in web application development. I talk about the key pieces of the ASP.NET AJAX platform and highlight some other options.

The fundamental set of technologies that enable the next generation of web applications are not new. Online news articles and blogs point to Google, Flickr, and several other services as prime examples of leveraging these technologies in unique ways. The applications have some unique features, but in reality, the underlying technologies have been around and in use for nearly a decade. Take a look at how Microsoft Exchange Server provided rich access to email from a web browser in the Outlook Web Access application, and you can see that the concept of ubiquitous access from a browser while leveraging a common set of browser features for a rich user experience has been around and in practice for years. Users get a remarkably full-featured application with no local installation and are able to access e-mail from virtually any machine.

The technologies in use for building rich applications are generally referred to as AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). While the acronym is nice, it doesn’t do much to explain what is actually happening. Instead of building a web application to be just a series of page views and post backs, developers are using JavaScript to communicate asynchronously with the web server and update parts of the page dynamically. This means that the web page can dynamically adapt its appearance as the user interacts with it, and it can even post or fetch data to or from the web server in the background. Gone are the days of the ugly post back, which clears the user’s screen and breaks his concentration! Instead, we need to post back now only if we want to change to a different web page.

The AJAX acronym refers to XML as the data format being exchanged between client and server, but in reality, applications are being built that retrieve simple pieces of text, XML, and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) (which I discuss in more detail in Chapter 4). Part of the AJAX appeal isn’t even covered by the acronym: In addition to communicating with the server without blocking, developers are leveraging Dynamic HTML (DHTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to create truly amazing user interfaces. JavaScript code running on the client communicates asynchronously with the server and then uses DHTML to dynamically modify the page, which supports rich animations, transitions, and updates to the content while the user continues interacting with the page. In many cases, users won’t even realize they are using a web application!


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