MIDP overviewA profile is defined as a supporting device. The Mobile Information Device Profile defines a set of classes for the user of cellular phones. The MIDP is based on the CLDC JVM. The JME configuration is added with domain-specific classes, for defining the uses of the similar devices. There are two profiles that have defined for JME which are built upon CLDC. One of them is MIDP.
MIDP overview1. The Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) is a key element of J2ME. 2. It has been widely adopted as the platform of choice for mobile applications. 3. When combined with the Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC), MIDP provides a standard JRE for mobile devices. 4. CLDC and MIDP provide the core application functionality required by mobile applications, in the form of a standardized JRE and a rich set of Java APIs. 5. Developers using MIDP, can write applications once, and then deploy them quickly to a wide variety of mobile information devices.