Developing an AJAX portlet

JBoss Portal Server Development

Chapter 6
Portals and AJAX

This chapter excerpt from JBoss Portal Server Development by Ramanujam Rao, is printed with permission from Packt Publishing, Copyright 2007.


Developing an AJAX portlet

Let us enhance our sample application, the "MyCompany" portal, and implement AJAX functionality in one of the portlets, using asynchronous server calls and dynamic HTML.

We will build a simple asset allocation calculator which asks for the user's age and returns an asset allocation mix of stocks and bonds based on a simple age-based logic on the server side. The user interface will submit the request asynchronously to a portlet on the server, which will then process it and return a markup that will only refresh a segment of the page.

We will also use some special user interface DHTML effects to demonstrate the effective combination of asynchronous calls with a rich user interface.

The front-end

We will create a new portlet called "AJAXPortlet" in the "MyPortal" project, and position it in the center column below our current preferences portlet that we created in the last chapter.

The myportal-object.xml shows the following entry:

<window-name>MyCompany AJAX Portlet</window-name>

Let's add our form to the JSP:

<!--AJAX submission via form
Actual post takes place in Javascript function -->
<form method='post'
onsubmit="ajaxSubmit('<%= renderResponse. createResourceURL() %>','testdiv', Form.serialize(this),true); return false;">
<p>Your Age: <input type="text" name="age"/> <br><br>
<input id="page" type="hidden" name="page" value="asset"/>
<input id="submit" type="submit" name="Submit"/>

As we can see, the form has an onSubmit option to delegate submission to a JavaScript function. We are also using ResourceURL, generated from renderResponse.createResourceURL(), to submit our form. This allows us to talk directly to the portlet instead of to the portal. testdiv demarcates the location of the result.

The ResourceURL looks like this:

/portal/portal/mycompany/default/MyCompany+AJAX+Portlet?action=b&cach eability=PAGE

The cacheability=PAGE parameter indicates that we want the URL to contain the state of the complete page, including values such as PortletURLs, and so on.

Now, let's add some JavaScript code to process the form. It is useful to note that for an AJAX implementation, we rely on JavaScript functions to carry out our submissions and then track responses from the server asynchronously. Although we can write the JavaScript code ourselves, using existing popular libraries gives us a lot more effi ciency and a broader feature set. We will use scriptaculous.js for the effects and prototype.js for asynchronous calls. These are available as standard in the headers of JBoss portal. Hence, we can use them without worrying about adding the library fi les along with the code. Our AJAX code includes asynchronous calls, and the special effects appear as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">
// AJAX call using Prototype.js and Scriptaculous for effects
function ajaxSubmit(url,target,params,effects)
   new Ajax.Updater(target, url, {method: 'GET', asynchronous:true, parameters:params});
      new Effect.BlindDown(document.getElementById(target));
      new Effect.Highlight(document.getElementById(target),
      {startcolor: '#0066CC', endcolor: '#ffffff', restorecolor: '#FFCC99'});

Here, the Ajax.Updater function takes the ResourceURL, which is the target div for the results, and the parameters entered in the form, to make an asynchronous call to the server. If the effect is enabled, which it is in our example, when the server responds back with a markup, the JavaScript code will slide down, create space, and display the output, while highlighting the information in three colors for emphasis.

We are all set on the client side. Now let's go back and create our portlet.

The server-side portlet

Our JSP invokes an instance of AJAXPortlet which appears as follows:

public class AJAXPortlet extends GenericPortlet
// async requests and responses are processed here
public void serveResource(ResourceRequest req, ResourceResponse resp) throws PortletException, IOException
PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter();
String age = req.getParameter("age");
if (age == null || age.equals("")){
writer.print("<P> Sorry, Please enter valid age between 10 and 100! ");
else {
String bond = age;
int stock = 100 - Integer.parseInt(age);
writer.print("<P> The recommended asset allocation for your age is: ");
writer.print("<p> <b>Stocks: </b>" + stock + "% <b> Bonds:
             </b>" + bond + "%");
// parent page delivery
public void render(RenderRequest renderRequest, RenderResponse
renderResponse) throws PortletException, IOException
PortletContext context = getPortletContext();
PortletRequestDispatcher rd = context.getRequestDispatcher ("/WEB-INF/jsp/ajax_calc.jsp");
rd.include(renderRequest, renderResponse);

Let's look at this a bit more closely. The fi rst method, serveResource, gets invoked when the JSP JavaScript performs a submission. We make a quick calculation, open a PrintWriter and write our output markup to it. The output of the PrintWriter goes directly back to the JavaScript call which then parses the information and displays it in the requested format. We also perform a quick validation of the input data to demonstrate how effi cient it is to validate data by using AJAX.

Hence, using this single method, we have achieved asynchronous communication between a window on a client browser and a portlet.

The render method follows the traditional approach of serving the portlet window when the page fi rst loads. All we do here is to point it to the JSP page that houses our AJAX calls.


Once we build and deploy the portlet, and the home page is loaded, it looks like this: 

Let's enter some age as data in the fi eld, and then submit the form.

Once we enter the data and click on Submit Query, we should see the result showing up in the same page in a newly opened area below the portlet, and with some visual effects.

We can also see validation in action by entering either nothing or a number greater than 100. The server reinterprets the data and responds back with an error message, as shown below:

We just saw how simple and effi cient it is to create AJAX-enabled portlets. Although, this was a simple example, fundamentally, as far as asynchronous call processing is concerned, most scenarios are likely to be very similar. However, the dynamic nature and rich content of the portlet user interface can be dramatically enhanced by adopting the latest DHTML/AJAX libraries.

Up until now, we have been talking about custom development. Let us now look at how JBoss portal leverages AJAX.


Also read

Portal and Portlet interview

What is a Portlet? Explain its capabilities.
Explain Portal architecture.
What is PortletSession interface?
What is PortletContext interface?
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