What are the various actions that a user can perform in the BIOS Gui?
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
Explain what is BIOS and where is it present?
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
What do you understand by flashing? - BIOS
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
What are the shortcomings of using re-flashable BIOS?
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
Mention the known types of viruses that target the BIOS?
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
Explain RTC and it functions? - BIOS
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
Explain briefly some of the tasks performed by the BIOS?
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
What is the need of flashing the BIOS?
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
Mention some of the common mistakes encountered while flashing the BIOS.
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
Explain the steps involved in power cycle and why is it required? - BIOS
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
What are the functions of the northbridge and the southbridge in a motherboard? - BIOS
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
Explain the relation of BIOS to memory addressing?
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
Explain the tests carried out during POST? - BIOS
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
Explain how is the CMOS and ACPI related to the BIOS?
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
During flashing the BIOS what can be done in case of the "Insufficient Memory" error message? - BIOS
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies
What can be done to recover a corrupt BIOS?
Replies (0), Started: 07-11-2012, Last Reply: 07-11-2012 - No Replies